PACTIFY is an AI-powered service which enables you to quickly extract the main takeaways from any email thread in Gmail™ / Google Workspace™. You can then share those takeaways with every participant in the conversation and export the summary in PDF format. We also give you a full history of your pactified threads, as well as the possibility to share additional notes.

Gmail Google Workspace

Compatible with Gmail™ & Google Workspace™

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I extract the takeaways from an email thread?
It's not easy to remember all the details of an email conversation. With Pactify you get an instant view on the discussion and the conclusion.
How does Pactify extract and summarize the takeaways of an email thread?
We're using multiple cutting edge LLMs and some magic prompting to make it happen.
How much does it cost?
We're free in Beta. We'll announce premium features later this year.
Who can I contact if I have additional questions?
Simply send us an email to